Symptom Management
WRAP Groups
Wellness Recovery Action Plan groups (WRAP) run in 3 week cycles, and are a suggested service for persons beginning treatment at the Lieber Clinic. WRAP is an individualized prevention and wellness process that persons use to get well and stay well. WRAP has been studied extensively in rigorous research projects and is listed in the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.
WRAP Will Help You:
Discover your own simple, safe Wellness Tools
Develop a list of things to do every day to stay as well as possible
Identify upsetting events, early warning signs and signs that things have gotten much worse and, using Wellness Tools, develop action plans for responding at these times
Guide you through the process of developing a Crisis Plan or Advance Directive
Introduce you to Post Crisis Planning
Trauma Support
Many people have had exposure to psychologically traumatic experiences, leading to mental anguish and sometimes specific mental health problems. At the Lieber Clinic, we are committed to providing evidence-based treatments to aid individuals in overcoming the emotional consequences of trauma, and returning to previous levels of functioning.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Groups
Consistent with the general principles of CBT, links are established between thoughts, feelings, and actions in a collaborative and accepting atmosphere. CBT for psychosis, anxiety, and depression uses Socratic questioning to draw out the person's own understanding of a given situation and ways of coping with symptoms through a process of guided discovery. This group provides psycho-education, skills training, and symptom management.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis Groups
The therapeutic techniques used for patients with psychosis are based on the general principles of CBT. Links are established between thoughts, feelings, and actions in a collaborative and accepting atmosphere. We currently offer an 8-10 session CBT-based group, as well as limited individual CBTp therapy. This treatment focuses on understanding and modifying the factors that lead to emotional distress and behavioral disturbance. The goals of the group are: Increased understanding of and insight into psychotic experiences improved coping with residual psychotic symptoms, reduction in distress associated with auditory hallucinations, reduction of degree of conviction and preoccupation with delusional beliefs, and maintenance of gains and prevention of relapse.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Groups
At the Lieber Clinic we have adapted Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, an evidence based treatment for overwhelming emotions and interpersonal effectiveness, for the needs of individuals in our care. In DBT groups, individuals learn to practice mindfulness meditation, distress tolerance skills, emotion regulation skills and interpersonal effectiveness skills. Groups specializing in DBT for psychosis, which utilizes certain modifications for that patient group are also available at the Lieber Clinic.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Groups
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a relatively new form of therapy which helps you relate differently to your anxious feelings, depressed moods, worrying mind, self-defeating behaviors, and/or anything else that causes you problems. The aim of ACT is to limit the ways these run your life. ACT is a weekly group devoted to helping people encounter and respond more flexibly to difficult thoughts and emotions, and act more effectively in accordance with values, in the pursuit of a rich, full and meaningful life.